Tuesday, May 19, 2009: 1:30 PM-4:30 PM
Ambassador Ballroom
Poster - Urban Ecology
Do macroconsumers play a role in leaf litter breakdown in tropical urban streams?
Noraida Martínez-Rivera, Alonso Ramirez
Assessment of the effects of wastewater discharge on water quality and biological conditions of the upper Blue River in Johnson County, Kansas and Jackson County, Missouri
Jennifer L. Graham, Teresa J. Rasmussen, Barry C. Poulton, Susan Pekarek
Urban effects on macroinvertebrate community attributes in the upper Blue River in Johnson County, Kansas and Jackson County, Missouri
Barry C. Poulton, Teresa J. Rasmussen, Jennifer L. Graham, Susan Pekarek
Food web simplification in a highly urbanized stream
Tyler C. Kilgore, Robert C. Johnson, Margaret M. Carreiro, Hwa-Seong Jin
Stream invertebrate consumer-resource stoichiometry along an urbanization gradient
Colin B. Ogilvie, Robert C. Johnson, Margaret M. Carreiro, Hwa-Seong Jin
Adult versus larval assemblage of Trichoptera at an urban headwater stream
Robert F. Smith, William O. Lamp
Biodegradability of Dissolved Organic Carbon in the Rio Piedras watershed, Puerto Rico
Bianca Rodriguez Cardona, Jorge R. Ortiz-Zayas
Nuisance caddisflies associated with an irrigation system in Arizona, USA
S. Mark Nelson, Fred Nibling, Albert L. Graves
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See more of The NABS 57th Annual Meeting (16-23 May, 2009)