Wednesday, May 20, 2009: 4:00 PM-5:45 PM
Pantlind Ballroom
Restoration Ecology II
Moderator:Matthew W. O'Neill
4:00 PMSubstrate availability and oviposition success of aquatic insects
Maria Alp, Christopher T. Robinson
4:15 PMTrophic response patterns in select benthic invertebrates over a 3 year period following removal of a low head dam
Andrew F. Casper
4:30 PMTalk Withdrawn by Author
4:45 PMPre-restoration macroinvertebrate assemblages related to environmental conditions in a stream impaired by cattle grazing
K. Tara Willey, J. Reese Voshell Jr., Mark Hudy
5:00 PMUse of littoral benthic invertebrates to assess factors affecting biological recovery of acid and metal damaged lakes
Brian E. Wesolek, Erika K. Genrich, John M. Gunn, Keith M. Somers
5:15 PMMeasuring food web responses to restoration using stable isotopes
Matthew W. O'Neill, Jane C. Marks, Cassie A. Ka'apu-Lyons
Sponsor:Contributed Sessions

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See more of The NABS 57th Annual Meeting (16-23 May, 2009)