Thursday, May 21, 2009: 10:15 AM-12:00 PM
Vandenberg A
Fish Ecology II
Moderator:Fabio Lepori
10:15 AMThe role of environmental context on salmon-benthos interactions in Great Lakes tributaries
David J. Janetski, Dominic T. Chaloner, Ashley H. Moerke, Gary A. Lamberti
10:30 AMIdentification and evaluation of fluvial habitat for Arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus) in Michigan
Ralph W. Tingley III, Dana Infante, Douglas W. Schemske
10:45 AMDemographic regulation of a southern brook charr population
Gary Grossman, Robert Ratajczak, J. Todd Petty, Michael Wagner
11:00 AMUse of beaver ponds by salmonids in southwestern Alaska
Rachel L. Malison, Jake L. Chaffin, Jack A. Stanford
11:15 AMEffects of logging on salmonids in small, steep eastern Cascade Range streams vary with stream gradient
Elizabeth C. Green, Mark S. Wipfli, Karl Polivka
11:30 AMContribution of benthic and riparian macroinvertebrates to the diet of juvenile coho salmon and Dolly Varden in tributaries of the Copper River delta, south-central Alaska
Todd C. White, Richard W. Merritt
11:45 AMEffects of invasive trout on populations of benthic prey
Fabio Lepori, Joseph R. Benjamin, Kurt D. Fausch, Colden V. Baxter
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