Tuesday, May 19, 2009: 1:30 PM-4:30 PM
Ambassador Ballroom
Poster - Bioassessment
Assessment of aquatic invertebrate communities of tributaries of the Buffalo River, Arkansas, and evaluation of indices of community integrity
Janice A. Hinsey, Daniel W. Beckman
Development of an algal bioassessment tool for freshwater streams in South Carolina
Emily K. Hollingsworth, James B. Glover
Advantages of a statewide database for developing evidence in a watershed causal assessment
Susan M. Cormier, Jeffrey Bailey, Ben Lowman, Jeroen Gerritsen, Lei Zheng
Evaluating thresholds in stream macroinvertebrate community responses to stress
David R. Smith, Nathaniel P. Hitt, Craig D. Snyder
Bioassessment of STREAMS in the NEW RIVER watershed of eastern Tennessee impacted by surface MINING of coal—a multidecade EVALUATION
Amanda Whitley, Joseph Schiller, Jamie Miller, Rachel Peacher
Comparison of invertebrate sampling methods in the Middle Rio Grande
Jane S. Fencl, Ayesha S. Burdett, Thomas F. Turner
Detecting changes in stream health: Advantages of multiple-community bioassessments
Cathy M. Tate, Terry M. Short
Linking changes in macroinvertebrate community composition to sources of water quality impairment in Minnesota streams
Christine Dolph, David Huff, Christopher Chizinski, Bruce Vondracek
Evaluation of single and two-stage adaptive sampling designs for estimation of density and abundance of freshwater mussels in the upper Mississippi River
David R. Smith, Jim Rogala, Brian Gray, Steve Zigler, Teresa J. Newton
Land cover influence on macroinvertebrate assemblages in Marquette County, Michigan
James C. Olson, Ashley M. Burtner, Donna R. Kashian
Assessing aquatic invertebrate response to reduced flows from run-of-the-RIVER hydropower projects on STREAMS in British Columbia
Mark E. LeRuez, Jim A. Trask
Efficient and effective aquatic macroinvertebrate monitoring for rocky coasts
Valerie Brady, Lucinda B. Johnson
Comparison of macroinvertebrate assemblages within a coffee growing region of Manizales, Colombia
Ely Kosnicki, Jorge A. Botero
Marchant box vs. Caton tray: A comparison of macroinvertebrate subsampling repeatability and cost effectiveness
Gary Lester, Steve Wells, Dawn Hamilton
Macroinvertebrate communities, organic matter, and physical habitat conditions across headwater streams of the otter river, a northern hardwoods watershed in Michigan's upper peninsula, USA
Andrew F. Burgess, Casey J. Huckins
Overs and unders. fine sediment in the riverbed or transport through a reach: Relationships with macroinvertebrates
Evan Harrison, Richard H. Norris, Scott Wilkinson
Using macroinvertebrate response to inform sediment criteria development in mountain streams
Sandra A. Bryce, Philip R. Kaufmann, Gregg A. Lomnicky
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