Tuesday, May 19, 2009: 10:15 AM-12:15 PM
Imperial Ballroom
Urban Ecology
Moderator:Mary E. Ogdahl
10:15 AMHuman pharmaceutical and personal care products in the streams of an urbanizing watershed: Evidence of nonpoint source inputs
Todd V. Royer
10:30 AMAbundance of nonprescription pharmaceuticals in streams and effects on sediment microbial activity
Aubrey R. Bunch, Melody J. Bernot
10:45 AMA comparison of methods for meeting monitoring objectives using macroinvertebrate data in the Chicago Area Waterway System
Shannon R. Donley, David B. Pott, Jennifer Wasik, Douglas L. Bradley, Kelly J. Wessell
11:00 AMMeasuring diversity patterns with urbanization
Maria A. Aliberti Lubertazzi, Howard S. Ginsberg
11:15 AMLinkages among land cover, in-stream physicochemical features, and macroinvertebrate community attributes in urban and agricultural landscapes of central lowa
Cassie J. Herringshaw, Timothy W. Stewart, Janette R. Thompson
11:30 AMThe influence of urban pavements on water chemistry
Melody J. Bernot, Randall J. Bernot, Meg Calkins, Martha Hunt
11:45 AMStormwater runoff in an urban stream: Impacts on central mudminnows
William D. Keiper, Carl R. Ruetz III
12:00 PMEnvironmental effects of road runoff on Little Black Creek
Mary E. Ogdahl, Alan D. Steinman, Brian Scull
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