Tuesday, May 19, 2009: 8:00 AM-10:00 AM
Pantlind Ballroom
Food Webs I
Moderator:Jonathan P. Benstead
8:00 AMTemporal patterns of isotopic enrichment in a Southeast Alaska stream foodweb: The role of salmon spawners and environmental context
Dominic T. Chaloner, Alexander J. Reisinger, Scott D. Tiegs, Peter S. Levi, Janine Rüegg, Emily Y. Campbell, Jennifer L. Tank, Gary A. Lamberti
8:15 AMRetention of lake-derived 15N in arctic streams in different landscape settings
Lindsey D. Pollard, A.E. Hershey
8:30 AMTrophic enrichment of deuterium in aquatic food webs? A cautionary note on the use of δD measurements to infer origins of fish
David X. Soto, Keith A. Hobson, Leonard I. Wassenaar, Jordi Catalan
8:45 AMTemporal patterns of terrestrial and aquatic invertebrate prey abundance for juvenile Chinook salmon in a subdrainage of the Yukon River, Alaska
Laura Gutierrez, Mark S. Wipfli, Nicholas Hughes, Elizabeth C. Green
9:00 AMRed alder enriches riparian food webs of the Pacific Northwest
Susan M. Shirley, David E. Hibbs, Judith L. Li, Hans Luh, Steven Perakis, Christian Torgersen
9:15 AMFood supplies that drive fish productivity: Modeling prey flux in riverine networks
Mark S. Wipfli, Colden V. Baxter
9:30 AMStreambed geomorphology is a key determinant of the benthic distribution of forest-to-stream resource subsidies
Trent M. Hoover, John S. Richardson
9:45 AMLinking bioenergetics of a top stream predator to ecosystem function in an arctic spring-fed stream
Jonathan P. Benstead, Alexander D. Huryn, Stephanie M. Parker, James B. Ramsey
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