Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Phenology of Batrachospermum gelatinosum (Rhodophyta) in two Southeast Ohio streams

Samuel A. Drerup, Environmental & Plant Biology, Ohio University, Porter Hall rm. 315, Athens, OH 45701 and Morgan L. Vis, Dept. of Env. and Plant Biology, Ohio University, Porter Hall Rm. 315, Athens, OH 45701.

Batrachospermum gelatinosum is one of the most common freshwater red algae in North America. However, there is little phenological information for this taxon. The purpose of this study was to examine the timing of reproduction and growth of gametophytes in two southeast Ohio streams and relate those data to physical and chemical parameters of the streams. Sampling was conducted from May 2007 through November 2008.  The sites were sampled every three weeks May through September and monthly October through April.  A grid of 160 quadrats was sampled for water depth, current velocity and percent algal cover. In addition, light intensity, nutrient concentrations, pH, conductivity, temperature and turbidity were measured at each site.  Five individuals were collected each date for determination of plant size and reproductive status.  In the one stream, gametophytes were present only from late may to early August, whereas in the other stream, gametophytes were present year round.  For both streams, percent algal cover appeared to be positively related to current velocity and water depth.  In the stream with gametophytes year round, there was no apparent trend in reproductive features such that sexually reproduction was observed throughout the year.

Web Page: autecology, periphyton, red alga