Thursday, May 29, 2008: 10:45 AM-12:00 PM
Salt Palace Convention Center - Room 255 F
Landscapes II
Moderator:Hiram W. Li
10:45 AMBiodiversity and ecosystem function in tropical streams: Watershed land use effects and benthic biofilms communities
Sofia Burgos, Alonso Ramírez
11:00 AMLooking downstream: Assessing the spatial extent of ecological impacts below diversion dams in the southern rocky mountains
Julia M. McCarthy, N. LeRoy Poff
11:15 AMStream integrity in the chesapeake bay watershed: A classification of biological condition using benthic macroinvertebrates and fish
Kelly O. Maloney, Donald E. Weller, Marc J. Russell
11:30 AMQuantifying the impact of land-use on the biological condition of headwater streams
John F. Murphy, Cynthia Davies, John Davy-Bowker, Pete Scarlett, Ralph T. Clarke
11:45 AMFrom microscope to macroscope: How heat shock proteins, and stream temperatures, affect the ideal free distribution across a catchment basin
Hiram W. Li, Peter Bayley, Joseph Feldhaus, Guillermo Giannico, Scott Heppell, Francisco Madriñan, Ian Tattam, Seth White
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See more of The Nabs 56th Annual Meeting (25-28 May, 2008)