Wednesday, May 28, 2008: 1:30 PM-3:15 PM
Salt Palace Convention Center - Room 255 F
Moderator:Hwa-Seong Jin
1:30 PMPaleoreconstruction of tree island hydroperiods using fossilized invertebrate remains
Charlotte C. Svoboda, J. Gore, J.M. Smoak, Binhe Gu
1:45 PMIncreased rates of nitrogen fixation following a Typha x glauca invasion in a Great Lakes coastal wetland
Lane Barham, Kathi Jo Jankowski, Pamela Geddes, Daniel Larkin, Nancy Tuchman
2:00 PMAssessing the beneficial use of great salt lake wetlands
Theron G. Miller, Heidi M. Hoven
2:15 PMDistribution of dreissenids in great lakes coastal ecosystems: Are wetlands resistant to invasion?
Kristin M. Nelson, Carl R. Ruetz III, Donald G. Uzarski
2:30 PMMacroinvertebrate community attributes and related environmental features in permanent and semi-permanent prairie pothole wetlands in north-central Iowa
Valerie A. Hentges, Timothy W. Stewart
2:45 PMReaeration coefficients in a small lentic ecosystem using the propane injection method
Hwa-Seong Jin, James B. Ramsey, David S. White
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