Wednesday, May 28, 2008: 10:45 AM-12:00 PM
Salt Palace Convention Center - Room 255 D
Periphyton I
Moderator:Timothy P. Moulton
10:45 AMShould only live diatoms be used in stream bioassessment?
Nadezhda Gillett, Yangdong Pan, Christian Parker
11:00 AMLinkages of algae and a bacterial pathogen important to an emerging infectious disease: the case of Buruli ulcer
Stephanie A. Miller, M. Eric Benbow, Heather R. Williamson, Mollie D. McIntosh, R. Jan Stevenson, Richard W. Merritt, Ryan Kimbirauskas
11:15 AMBiodiversity, Microhabitat Analysis, and New Species of the Acidophilic Diatom Eunotia Ehrenberg in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Paula C. Furey, Rex L. Lowe, Jeffrey R. Johansen
11:30 AMResponse of benthic biofilm to Pacific Salmon spawners (Oncorhynchus spp.) across multiple spatial scales in Southeast Alaska streams
Janine Rüegg, Scott D. Tiegs, Dominic T. Chaloner, Gary A. Lamberti
11:45 AMA quick and cheap (and hopefully not too nasty) method for periphyton dry mass and chlorophyll using a hand-held fluorometer, with a case study of periphyton distribution at different scales along an altitudinal gradient
Timothy P. Moulton, Marcelo L. Souza, Felipe A. M. Krsulovic, Rodrigo V. Koblitz, Ernesto F. Brito, Taldi L. Walter
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