Wednesday, May 28, 2008: 9:15 AM-10:30 AM
Salt Palace Convention Center - Room 255 F
Land/Water Interfaces I
Moderator:Gary A. Lamberti
9:15 AMImpacts of human disturbance, land use and water chemistry on benthic invertebrates in the East River (Dong Jiang), southern China
Yixin Zhang, Dongsheng Cheng, Wei Thoe, Lincoln Fok, Xuehua Duan, Huaixiang Liu, David Dudgeon, Zhao-Yin Wang, Joseph H. W. Lee
9:30 AMBenthic macroinvertebrate community structure under variable land-use and riparian buffer zones within an agricultural watershed
Leon S. Gaber, Klaas Broersma, Asit Mazumder
9:45 AMEffects of fishes on the functional make-up of an adult aquatic insect community
Jeff Wesner
10:00 AMBenthic macroinvertebrate response to multiple clear-cut forest harvest: Local habitat effects override cumulative watershed effects
Morgan Hannaford, Cajun James
10:15 AMAquatic-terrestrial coupling in the flux, uptake, and effects of Pacific Salmon nutrients in Southeast Alaska watersheds
Gary A. Lamberti, M. Eric Benbow, Scott D. Bridgham, Emily Y. Campbell, Dominic T. Chaloner, David V. D'Amore, Richard T. Edwards, John P. Hudson, Peter S. Levi, Richard W. Merritt, Alexander J. Reisinger, Janine Rüegg, Jennifer L. Tank, Scott D. Tiegs
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