Monday, June 4, 2007: 3:15 PM-5:00 PM
Richland Room C (Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center)
Organizer:Paula C. Furey
3:15 PMStructural and Successional Characteristics in Artificial Stream Biofilms in Response to Flow Regime as Seen Through a Confocal Microscope
Chad A. Larson, Sophia I. Passy
3:30 PMTimber Harvest Dampens the Influence of Salmon on Periphyton in Southeast Alaska Streams
Scott D. Tiegs, Dominic T. Chaloner, Tyler G. Creech, Peter Levi, Janine Rüegg, Gary A. Lamberti
3:45 PMDistribution of the epiphytic cyanobacterium Gloeotrichia pisum in the St. Lawrence River (Quebec, Canada)
Antonella Cattaneo, Christiane Hudon
4:00 PMTowards More Accurate Assessment of Food Resource Quality: Correcting for Abiotic Sediment Sorbtion to Assess the P-Content in Algal Periphyton Across a Natural Gradient in SRP
Gaston E. Small, Catherine M. Pringle
4:15 PMSpatial and temporal patterns and causal analyses of benthic algal growth in the San Gabriel River watershed, Southern California
Lei Zheng, Jerry Diamond, Jonathan Bearr, Carolina Gallardo, Chad Barbour
4:30 PMPrimary production and chlorophyll a differences between soft and hard substrata in agricultural streams of central Illinois
K.M. Slattery, W.L. Perry
4:45 PMBiodiversity and microhabitat analysis of the acidophilic diatom Eunotia ehrenberg in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park
Paula C. Furey, Rex L. Lowe, Jeffrey R. Johansen
Sponsor:Contributed Sessions

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